Uncovering the values of politics

“I am amazed, saddened and angry that people don’t realize that other people are people.”

From a young age, society trains us to view negative emotion as a failure. When negative emotions arise, we treat them as “unacceptable” and try to either blame others or suppress the feelings. But emotion isn’t the enemy; it’s valuable information (subconscious signs of your human values) that we can consciously respond to and learn from to improve our lives and our communities.

Voice was a social tool made by Like Humans, designed to create values awareness and facilitate conscious action.

Rather than rely on the all-too-common opinionated fights (and violence), we wanted to demonstrate that this society could strive toward its human values in more conscious and constructive ways.

Read more about the design approach on Medium: “How to Find Group Unity Amidst Individual Disagreement” ↗


Like Humans
Chattanooga, TN

Impact areas

Research analysis


Within the Like Humans product portfolio, a name and experience rooted in empathy. Remember, “you” are just another “I.”

Insights report

The results and insights from the 2016 Post-Election Voice, with constructive possibilities for action.

Download (PDF)

Voices mailed to the White House

Sending values-based insights from the culture to its leaders.